PSP Scripts

What's the "Farmir script" please? Faramir Paint Shop Pro Script Pack V 3.2 includes resizing by steps (pixel or percentage) 

His site has an explanation of the style used and the extra clarity or edge definition that results. Sometimes it creates an extra sharpness on some edges in some resized images.

Comment by Trevor. The script pack belongs in My Documents\My PSP Files\Scripts-Trusted

Please note the hyphen in the folder name.

Below are photos in jpg format taken from the back window. First is the original, and second is modified with the Faramir velvia script.

I think that the colour is better and it has smoothed out any jagged edges.

If you were wondering: The original's file size was 407K. The second's was 429K.

There are 12 scripts in the set:

  1. Export
  2. Focus split
  3. Pano rotate
  4. Pano split
  5. Portrait blur
  6. Provia - simulate the colour of Fujifilm provia film
  7. Smart USM
  8. Smart USM Mask
  9. Stacker
  10. Stairway percent
  11. Stairway
  12. Velvia

Documentation is provided in Pdf format.