
What's Trevor talking about?

Among the applications I use to keep the computer going without inflicting dross among my friends, and maybe the network I often talk to on TIP - I've added another antispyware tool to the ongoing repertoire of apps in the startup group.

The application came free of charge with the April 2007 issue of PC User - the full version of Antishampoo AntiSpyWare with six months of free updates. It only costs $8.95 if you purchase the magazine from a newsagent.

Of course, it costs less than that if you subscribe. April's issue says Special Offer: $69.95 for a twelve month subscription. Visit, or mail the reply paid coupon, or call 136 116 and quote a seven character code. Simple arithmetic tells me that means $5.53 per issue.

Ashampoo lives with the other apps in the startup group: Spyware Doctor, Ashampoo Spyware Guard, AVG Free Editon, Registry First Aid Agent, and the Ashampoo software firewall.

After running, it gave me the list of 20 infections that were in the quarantine area. I elected to delete them from the quarantine area..

Spyware 2

Scanning had taken quite a while, but I'd connected the 40Gb flash drive to one of the USB ports, hence the drive letter G:.
Syncback had backed up all of my documents to it.

Picture 3

I'd chosen "yes" to always clear the quarantine area. After all, no document is worth trying to rescue if it contains data that's unclean.


I feel better now. I can sleep without dirtying the sheets, pillowcase, and mattress. Yay!

I learned about their firewall from the March 2007 edition of PC User.
The address that was given for their firewall:

Mail address:
ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG
Felix-Wankel-Str. 16
26125 Oldenburg / Germany
© 1999 - 2006 Ashampoo Development GmbH & Co. KG

Trevor - 8 March 2007