Automatic Font Organizer

Subject: [Press Release] First Automatic Font Organizer
From: Alexander Styopkin <>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 11:07:01 -0500


My name is Alexander Styopkin, and I'm CEO of Styopkin Software. I'd like
to inform you about the release of new Automatic Font Organizer. Advanced
Font Viewer is a comprehensive application, which is ideal for viewing,
printing and managing fonts. Please, find the press release below for your
Thank you!


April 19, 2007
Contact: Alexander Styopkin
Company: Styopkin Software
Title: CEO

First Automatic Font Organizer

Advanced Font Viewer is the fist product on the market of font tools that can sort fonts automatically.
The automatic font organizer will solve the problem of searching for the
font you need by sorting your collection by any of 10 criteria. If you
select two or three criteria at a time, the structure of the collection
will become arranged as a tree.
A good example of using the organizer in practice is finding a monospaced
font among several thousands of uninstalled fonts. The following variations
are available for the Proportion criterion: Any, No Fit, Old Style, Modern,
Even Width, Expanded, Condensed, Very Expanded, Very Condensed and the one
we search for - Monospaced. After you automatically sort fonts by this
criterion, it will be easy to find the necessary font in the Monospaced
You can see all 10 criteria for sorting fonts below:
  1. Family Kind (6 variations)
  2. Serif Style (16 variations)
  3. Weight (12 variations)
  4. Proportion (10 variations)
  5. Contrast (10 variations)
  6. Stroke Variation (11 variations)
  7. Arm Style (12 variations)
  8. Letterform (16 variations)
  9. Midline (14 variations)
  10. X-height (8 variations).
Another useful feature of the organizer is removing corrupted fonts from
the collection (those fonts a click on which makes Windows show the
following message: "The requested file was not a valid font file"). Files
are moved to the "ERROR - Corrupted Files" folder, which is a perfect way
to rid your collection of corrupted fonts once and for all.
Remove all duplicates before you start arranging your fonts. It is easy to
do it with tools built into the program. Specify the path to the collection
on the DupDetector tab and click the Remove All Duplicates button. The
process is completely automated and it will automatically decide what fonts
should be removed and what fonts should be kept.
Note that it is possible to uninstall all fonts not supplied with Windows
with one click. It is one more unique feature of the program that will
quickly remove unwanted fonts from the system.
Running some programs may result in discrepancies between files in the
Windows system font folder and registry entries. Use the Doctor tab to
solve this problem. It will fix any discrepancy.
The wide range of features offered by the program is useful for most users,
while being indispensable for designers.

Pricing and Availability
Advanced Font Viewer runs under Windows Vista/XP/2000 and costs $49.95
(USD). Registered customers are entitled to free upgrades and technical
support. A 21-day evaluation version is available as a free download at
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