
by Trevor F

This month I've used Kompozer to edit web pages. It's a replacement web page generator for NVU.

The meeting this month is all over. It was held at the Rheinberger Centre, corner Loch Street and Weston Street Yarralumla. It was held on Wednesday 2nd May at 7.15pm for 7.30 start. Subject was Norton 360.

It was organised by BenC - our organiser, who has planned a few meetings ahead. A good place to regularly visit is on the PCUG's main web page: http:www.pcug.org.au

Much information is kept there, and these days it's up to date. The formula for monthly meetings is the first Wednesday of the month. It doesn't clash with long weekends

These days we might be regarded by many as what the Melbourne Age called a bunch of old mugs: http://www.theage.com.au/news/technology/a-bunch-of-old-mugs/2007/04/09/117597

My computer went down recently, and thus I was prevented from accessing the Internet. Not only that, but the flash drive I keep a lot of backups on went down also. It's a 40Gb model. It works now, of course!

I'd kept a lot of documents on CD as well. The old computer's drive was partitioned into two. and was formatted NTFS. This one is one partition.

Just before preparing this series of pages somebody from India decided it would be a good idea to send the editor a worm. Avast eventually managed to take care of it.

In accordance with next meeting formula, check out June 6.