Fonts with PSP

I want to create text/graphic headings and such in varying formats, like the google logo, or like the logo on this page;

I have PSP 8 and X does it matter which I use?

Are there any good guides on this subject (fonts and such)?
What effects are for use with text?

Any tips,hints or stating places?


Both of those use a fairly common Inner Bevel effect (which you have in both PSP 8 and PSP X.)

This tutorial is for PSP 7, but it's pretty easy to translate -
However, go take a stroll through the Text Effects section of and you'll find more than you ever thought possible to know about creating funky text in PSP.

And then use your new-found skills wisely.  Not all beveled text is good text.
As the wise man once said, "Just because you CAN do it, doesn't mean you SHOULD.)

Sally Beacham

The font looks like Snap ITC set to italic.

It's not a free font however. A similarly fat and sixty-ish font might be Jazzposter, which is free:

Sites like this
have put free fonts in categories.

See if 'retro', 'serif' or even 'comic' have something for you.

As Sally wrote, the orange-crush looks like raster text with a bevel. It's okay for their site and the Google logo, but generally: in my view a little below par, so use this effect sparingly if you must :-)
