Advice on Saving Images

Jeff wrote:
> When I click on a new file I created in PSP9 the default file
> type is psimage. I would prefer the default to be another
> type but cannot find where in Preferences to change that. Can someone help?

File > Preferences > General Program Preferences > Display and Caching. Check "Re-use last type in file save-as dialog."
Now save an image in your preferred format. PSP remembers it until you choose another.

You probably know this already, but just in case, avoid the lossy formats JPG and GIF for routine saves. Each time you save in these formats, some information is discarded. Keep intermediate files and a final master copy in PspImage or another lossless format, making a JPG copy for, say, email or a web site as the last step.
Fred Hiltz, fhiltz at yahoo dot com