Legacy Tips and News

Legacy tips and genealogy news
From: Legacy News
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2007 

Here are the latest articles from Legacy News

** Legacy tips and genealogy news - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=1941&f=78561&u=4349528

* How to create a 2008 birthday/anniversary calendar using Legacy Family Tree - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25759820&f=78561&u=4349528

With the new year approaching, why not resolve to be a better relative by remembering family birthdays and anniversaries?
Two features of Legacy Family Tree makes this easy to do:

- Legacy's birthday and anniversary reminders described here.- Legacy's Calendar Creator.

Legacy can...

Read the whole entry - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25759820&f=78561&u=4349528 ?

How to "colorize" a black/white photo - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25665031&f=78561&u=4349528

I've been told that when my grandfather was my age we looked very similar. I wanted to see this for myself so I found an old photo of him. Our pictures looked nothing alike - his were black and white while mine were in full color! :)

Nothing breathes life into an old photo like adding color...

Read the whole entry - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25665031&f=78561&u=4349528 ?

Easier Scanning. an interactive tutorial – Get better scans, improve your scanning skills, tips, tricks and more. - $9.95 value- Using Sound – an...

Read the whole entry - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25761494&f=78561&u=4349528 ?

* Genealogy Quote - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25738364&f=78561&u=4349528

"If you would not be forgotten, as soon as you are dead and rotten; Either write things worthy of reading, or do things worthy of writing." -- Benjamin Franklin, May 1738

* 150 Years of Scottish Social History Launches Online - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25727894&f=78561&u=4349528

from ancestry.co.uk:

Perth and Fife newspaper indexes made available online for the first time by Ancestry.co.uk

Scots can tap into 150 years of local history with the online launch today by Ancestry.co.uk of the Fife Newspaper Index Cards, 1833-1987 and the Perth Newspaper Index Cards...

Read the whole entry - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25727894&f=78561&u=4349528 

* Legacy seminar in Vernon, British Columbia - December 1, 2007 - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25674658&f=78561&u=4349528

The Vernon & District Family History Society is sponsoring an all-day seminar in Vernon, British Columbia, presented by Legacy Family Tree's Geoff Rasmussen. Lectures include:

- What's New in Genealogy Technology- Timelines and Chronologies- Market Your Ancestors Using Message Boards and...

Read the whole entry - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25674658&f=78561&u=4349528

* Swedish translators needed for Legacy Family Tree - http://feedblitz.com/r.asp?l=25674283&f=78561&u=4349528

We are looking for some volunteers to help with the Swedish translation of Legacy. This is an exciting project which already has a great start, but we really need a few good people who would like to help out.