The Volunteer of the Year for 2007, announced at the PCUG Christmas Party, was Stephen Rothwell.

Stephen Rothwell receives 2007 Volunteer of the Year Award
PCUG's President, Ann Byrne proudly presented Stephen Rothwell with the Volunteer of the Year Award, at PCUG's Christmas Party on the 1st December 2007.

Stephen was one of the builders of TIP and has been a TIP admin since opening day 1 February 1995. His accomplishments then were described as "Time accounting scripts. Transaction processing. Log-cruncher extraordinaire."

Stephen still maintains and develops the TIP usage accounting system and has been one of the postmasters for most of the 13 years of TIP existence. As well as being one of the real gurus who keep TIP humming, Stephen is one of the mainstays of the Canberra Linux User Group. He has also had the primary role in selecting, purchasing, configuring, and installing our newer servers.

So, if you notice a glitch in TIP (and there are not many) that is fixed quickly, chances are that Stephen has been involved in the solution. Thanks Stephen for all your efforts over the life of TIP.