Genealogy: Sleuthing the Past
28 June 2004
Have you ever wondered what living conditions were like in the
time of your ancestors? Do you know who their siblings were and
where they lived? Thousands of Australians practice genealogy
to some degree, whether it is merely recording their immediate
ancestors’ names or actually looking back centuries to record
the history and conditions of their forbears. It can be an occasional
hobby or a full-time occupation, depending on your motivation.
![Cover of Web Sites for Genealogists 2004 edition from http://www.coraweb.com.au/webdetails.htm](webbook.jpg) |
The PC Users Group (ACT) and the Computer SIG
of the Heraldry and Genealogy Society together bring you two
speakers for the June free monthly meeting. The first will
be Cora Num, a qualified genealogist with 22 years experience
and the author of Web Sites for Genealogists (now in the 8th
Edition). Cora has a Diploma in Family Historical Studies
and is a Fellow of the Heraldry & Genealogy Society of
Canberra She will explain how to find out more about our ancestors
from the web. In particular, she will be showing web sites
where official information, such as registry information,
wills, maps, or military service record, have been recorded
digitally and are available online to researchers., The computer
and the Internet as essential research tools, combined with
the recent trend to convert official records to digital format,
makes it so much easier to find and verify information. Visit
her site http://www.coraweb.com.au/ for more information. |
When you have collected all your information, the next problem
is how to store and organise it. Our second speaker, Shane
Baker, is a member of both PCUG and the Heraldry & Genealogy
Society of Canberra. Shane will demonstrate The Master Genealogist.
This software package can store massive amounts of data then
rearrange it into whatever format you want. The database can
be used to compare conflicting records, to extract the one
category of information or to conduct searches for specific
factors. Text, photographs, maps and more can be extracted
as required for reports or planning a research trip. It can
even be used to print a book, complete with bibliography,
footnotes, references and index. For details of the software
visit http://www.whollygenes.com/tmg5.htm. |
![Angel Wing Fan chart from http://www.whollygenes.com/samplereports.htm](fan_sml.gif) |
If you are interested in genealogy, or merely want to see how
it is done, come along to Theatre 3, Manning Clark Centre, Australian
National University on 28 June 2004 at 7.30pm. It’s free and open
to the public. Free door prizes for PCUG members. So bring your
family, friends, workmates and any ancestral ghosts.
Updated on 24/08/2004 |
Users Group (ACT) Inc
27 Mulley Street
Holder ACT 2611
(02) 6287 2922