Guest Speaker David Kidd, editor of Australian
PC Authority |
Monday 29 November 2004
The November free Monthly Meeting will be held in Manning Clark
Theatre 3, ANU at 7.30pm on Monday 29 November. Guest speaker David
Kidd will relate his experiences as editor of Australian PC Authority.
Members and visitors welcome. Enquiries to pcug.office.manager@pcug.org.au
or phone 6253 4911.
Have you ever wondered how a monthly magazine comes into being?
Does the editor just collect all the articles and pictures into
a laptop a few days beforehand, collate it and then just tell the
printing staff to run it? And how do we test all those products
anyway? Does advertising have an affect on reviews? David welcomes
any and all questions you might have about life, the industry, magazines,
and everything.
David will also be making a presentation about Windows XP Media
Centre and media PCs, using the PC Authority Labs winning choice
Pioneer notebook from the December issue. Windows XP Media Centre
is the OEM software that turns your PC into a home entertainment
centre, with integrated TV tuner, remote control and personal video
recorder for TV, capable of playing DVDs, CDs, MP3s and WMA files.
In the same way games machines evolved from PCs, the November issue
reports on the way the entertainment centre has now evolved as a
separate dedicated piece of equipment.
David has been using computers since he could crawl. He has worked
on numerous publications, including iTnews and Atomic, and has filled
many positions on PC Authority before taking up the big chair. Prior
to working in publishing, he graduated with psychology qualifications
and worked in the welfare industry for two years.
This is an excellent opportunity to talk to someone who has access
to news of the latest IT developments.
Previous Meetings
Updated on 17/05/2005 |
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