Buy Sell or Swap

How it works

With the Buy Sell Swap, you can offer an item for sale or swap. You supply a category, a short description of your item, a detailed description, your email address and a password.

The short description is put on a page with all the other items in that category. If someone sees your item, they can then get in touch via email.

The password is so that you can delete the item later. To delete an item, just select it from the appropriate offers page, supply the password and the item will be deleted. This way, only the person who offered the item is able to delete it. If the item is no longer on offer, please delete it.

To see what is currently on offer, select one of the categories below. Alternatively, add an item yourself!

Note that items are shown in the order they were posted. All items are deleted after approximately one month.

Non-commercial use ONLY!

Commercial posters will be invoiced at our standard advertising rates

Categories available

For Sale: Computer Hardware
Wanted: Computer Hardware
For Sale: Computer Software
Wanted: Computer Software
For Sale: Computer Books
Wanted: Computer Books
Help Wanted
Jobs Wanted

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