How I made a PDF File

I have W3.11, Word 6, FTP and Acrobat Reader Ver 3.0, and this
works for me. If you have W95, just follow the general idea and
you can do the same.

Step 1.	Make sure you have a Post Script printer installed. I
don't know how you do this in W95, but for W3.1x, go to
Control Panel | Printers | Add
Find Post Script Printer and "Add"
Note....You will need your original disks for this printer

Step 2. Start Word (and here thanks are due to Emil Joseph)
Open the file you want to convert to PDF
Go to File | Print
In the dialogue box, cross ( X ) Print to file
Go to Printer
Set PostScript Printer as default printer
Go to Options
Mark "Encapsulated Post Script File"
Give the file a name, no extension
Go to Advanced
Mark "Conform to Adobe Document Structuring Convention"
OK  OK  Close  OK

a file with the extension .prn will be produced, lets call it
cooktest.prn , so now
Go to File manager
find this file and rename it .ps (ie

Now get onto the Internet and FTP to  log in anonymously
with the initial Host Directory as

and upload your .ps file, Close, and in 5 minutes, FTP again
anonymously to with initial directory
You will find you file there as  cooktest.pdf, so download it.

You are now the proud owner of a PDF file

Some tips about logging onto
Don't call your file, give it a distinctive name, even if
it is a test. everyone else calls their files
The site was readily accessible at 3pm on Monday afternoon, but
impossible to get at 9 pm on Sunday night, so suggest consider
the time zones for speedy service.  gives plenty of further
information on what gives.
Before you upload, have a look at your .ps file in Notepad or
similar to ensure it starts off as       %!PS-Adobe-3.0 
The URL above tells you to do this.

As usual, now I know how to do it, I am not sure why I would want
to do it :-)


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