The meetings start at 7.00 pm, with a half-hour period for you to contact Committee members etc. The meeting proper starts at 7.30 pm. The meetings usually last about two hours.
At these meetings the topic is selected for fairly broad interest. The speakers are predominantly from interstate or overseas presenting an area in which they specialise, such as particular software packages or areas of the computing field. Several major software developers like to present their latest and greatest at our main meetings on occasion too!
There is no main meeting in December. The September meeting is usually the Annual General Meeting, at which a new Committee is elected and so on.
If you have any difficulties attending meetings for transport or disability reasons, please contact the Committee - we can probably work something out!
The Minutes of all Committee meetings are held by the Secretary. These may be viewed by any member at the PCUG Centre upon request at a mutually convenient time and place.
Though designed particularly for new members, anyone is welcome. These meetings are basically a chance to meet a few other members, talk about anything that concerns you regarding computers, learn about the facilities PCUG offers its members, drink coffee or tea, and perhaps get some questions answered in an atmosphere a little less formal than the main meetings. The meetings are very informal, and last as long as interested people remain!