Membership notes

The PCUG is a non-profit group relying on membership subscriptions. Its facilities are provided ONLY to members.

Please contact the Membership Secretary with any queries relating to membership.

Membership fees

Includes GST

Up to three years' membership may be paid at once when joining the Group or renewing your membership. This protects you from possible changes in subscription fees during that time and also lets you forget about renewing for a while!

Note that the household of an individual is entitled to the use of some Group facilities - specifically training, disk and tape purchases, and so on. However, the membership does not entitle other members of the household to Internet Project accounts, or to vote in Group matters, and only one copy of Sixteen Bits will be mailed.

Mailing lists

We sell copies of our mailing list to advertisers. We do not sell the data - we sell actual printed labels. Purchasers must sign a declaration that they will not reuse the details. If you do NOT wish your details to be distributed on this basis, please indicate the fact clearly on your application or renewal and your details will be excluded from the lists we sell.

Applying for membership

Applications for membership may be made by credit card on the BBS or from the Biz! page, or by mail to the usual PCUG postal address.

Mailed applications and renewals should preferably be made on the appropriate form, available from the Membership Secretary or from the Executive Secretary at any meeting. However, if you don't happen to have one, just tell us your full name, your postal address, your membership number if possible and provide a contact phone number. Don't forget to include appropriate payment!

Please write legibly! If we cannot read your writing we cannot process your application and will be unable to contact you. In this case we will simply bank your cheque and wait for you to contact us.

What happens next?

Once your application/renewal is processed you will be put on the mailing list. Within a month or so you should have received your first copy of Sixteen Bits and your membership card. The membership card and disk may arrive some weeks after the first copy of Sixteen Bits - please be patient.

Renewing your membership

Each member receives a letter from the Secretary about one month before membership expires.

To avoid missing out on information about PCUG activities and to keep your access to PCUG services, including the Internet Service, please renew promptly!

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