Plain English Computer Chat Group
Home of the NonGeeks network also known as Canberra’s “Plain English” computer chat group.
The chat group centres around an informal monthly meeting with an open agenda, where people chat about computers and the Internet. The key is openness, friendliness and sharing. Open to folk seeking friendly information about computers and the Internet. Come as you are; ask any questions you like. Beginners welcome. The group works as a network with help from experienced people from both the U3A Canberra (University of the Third Age) and the PC Users Group.
The group meets the first Thursday of the month, from 10.00 am to 12.00 pm at the Education Room of the Heraldry and Genealogy Society (HAGSoc), Cook Community Hub.
Apart from monthly meetings, the group operates through two important networking tools: the contact list, and the Googlegroups email list.
For more information, see the NonGeeks membership page.
Contact convenor: Eleanor Whelan.