Main Meeting: Tuesday 5th April 2005, 7.30pm

The next Main Monthly Meeting will be held on Tuesday 5th April 2005 commencing at 7:30 pm in the Manning Clark Centre, (facility 26A), Lecture Theatre 3, Australian National University, Acton. Visit the PCUG website for a map of the Manning Clark Centre. The monthly meetings are free. Members, friends and the public are invited to attend. Don’t rush home after the meeting!  Stay for coffee, tea, biscuits and good company.  It’s all free!  Renew acquaintances, meet new people and ask those questions you didn’t get a chance to ask at the meeting!  Membership inquiries and renewals are welcomed too!  Email inquiries to or phone 02-6253-4911.


Well known PCUG member, Mr Terry Bibo, will present an informative discussion and demonstration of the hard drive backup program, "Backup4all."  The demonstration will be in HTML format with screen dumps of all the basic stages of setting up a hard disk/folder backup along with explanatory text, and then a realtime backup. Terry will also discuss some of the other options available.
In the second part of his presentation, Terry will discuss and demonstrate Spybot Search & Destroy and Spyware Blaster, two very important tools to
include in your personal computer arsenal.  So if you have been having problems with Spyware and the like, come along to this meeting and tell us your problems!

Terry Bibo has given great assistance to PCUG members over the years through his informative website .  If you are a new PCUG member or if you have not seen Terry’s web pages before, take the tour of this site for other very useful information.  More importantly come and hear Terry on Tuesday 5th April 2005!

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