Some of the discussion that took place soon after the release of PSP X.
These are among the 20,000 or so messages I have in the Corel PSP X forum. TrevorF

Some of your questions can be answered at
Thanks, Vern
7 September 2005

How do you know if your camera is covered by PSP?

Canon® EOS-1D Mark II, 10D, 20D, Rebel, Rebel XT, 300D, 350D, Kiss, D30, D60, PowerShot G3, S30, S40, S50, S60, Pro1
Fuji® FinePix F700, S5000Z, S7000Z Kodak® DCS720X, DCS760C, DCS760M Konica Minolta® DiMAGE 5, 7, 7Hi, 7i, DiMAGE A1, A2, Nikon® Coolpix 8800, D1H, D1X, D2H, D70, D100 Olympus® C-5050, C-5060, C-8080, E-1, E-10, E-20 Pentax® *ist D
7 September 2005

The list is at But it might be worth testing because Nikon D50 and Coolpix 5400 work even though they're not listed.

My cameras are supported by both PSP9 and 10, but I don't use either for converting RAW files, RSE is much a better choice imho. If for no other reason I can retain my EXIF data when exporting.

Ron Lacey

I've updated my Tips & Tricks document for PSP X. You can find the new version here:

You will find answers to lots of questions about the new interface and some of the changes in PSP X in this document. The newest entries - those dealing explicitly with changes in PSP X - can be found at the beginning of the document, and at the very end. The remainder of the document contains timeless tips that have been updated as needed for PSP X. As with prior releases, I will continue to add items to this document as I discover them and find them to be useful - and as I have time. All additions will be made at the end of the document.

This page is not yet linked from my home page - I will get to that soon!
7 September 2005

Suz Shook: C-Tech Volunteer. PSP X Beta Tester

In response to lots of suggestions, I have now broken down this very long document into several smaller documents, each with only 20 tips.  This way, things are more manageable.  I've also inserted links from each item listed in the index to the corresponding item in the Tips documents.  Now, searching is much easier as well.  The original link on my home page brings you to a summary page with links to the Index and all 10 Tips pages. Please let me know if you find any errors.  Suz

Hi Deek. Try Google's site search. It is easy, very fast, and by
using it we let Suz keep doing what Google cannot. Their web crawler soon will have indexed all her new pages. Until then, read its cached copies of the articles' old locations. Google returns a few hits from the rest of her site, of course. This is a good thing.

Ctrl + F still works on her complete index page, too.

Google has made it extremely easy for some of us techno goobers.

> I don't think I know what that is, Deek, or how to set that up.  Suz

The page source here may help.

PSP X upgrade version

Actually, what it (the upgrade version) really looks for is the executable for a previous version. In my case (Win XP Home) it was:
\Program Files\Jasc Software Inc\Paint Shop Pro 9\Paint Shop Pro 9.exe

I had already uninstalled PSP 9 in anticipation of installing PSP X (thinking I could just show the installation my PSP 9 Installation Disc). When I found out that wouldn't work I called JASC support and learned that PSP X would only accept a previous PSP installation, which it recognizes by locating the program executable. So, I simply copied the Paint Shop Pro 9.exe from another machine into the directory structure that had been left over after uninstalling PSP 9, and PSP X then installed with no further complaint. (Notice the spaces in the file and folder names)

If you do a better job of uninstalling your earlier version of PSP than I did (i.e., also delete the file/folder structure), you can just recreate the folders and put the executable in the newly created "Paint Shop Pro ?" folder.

"Nightingail" <> wrote in message news:431e05a8$1_3@cnews...

Since the installation looks for a previous version of PSP, does that mean that I need to keep at least one previous version installed forever and always, just in case I need to uninstall-reinstall PSP X from the update CD? I was hoping to delete PSP 9 soon.

TIA, Gail
Nightingail's Gallery

You may find a lot of your old PSP9 tools missing in PSPX, but they're still there, just well hidden. To dig them out, right click on a toolbar and select Customize. You'll find them under the Command tab in Unused Commands.

Ron - 7 September 2005

Haley64 wrote:
> Is it normal that when I open an image (a photo) and it is a
> background layer, when I click on it using either the pick tool or
> move tool, that layer converts automatically to a raster layer?

They have to be changed because both tools won't work on background layers. In PSP 9 the default was that a warning popped up asking if you wanted to promote the background to a raster layer... in PSP X, by default, this is done automatically without prompting. If you want to see the prompt, go to File > Preferences > General Program Preferences, click on 'Auto Action' and change 'Promotes background layer to full layer' from 'Always' to 'Prompt'.

Tim Morrison C-Tech volunteer 7 September 2005

A couple of weeks ago there was some discussion about whether PSP X would install on Windows 98 if you had the right updates or if you were prepared to run it unsupported.

It won't install though. When the downloaded trial version installation is started in Win98SE, it firstly unpacks its files into a directory and then a window comes up saying "Preparing to Install". One of the messages that shows fleetingly in this window is something about checking the operating system, before the attached message box pops up.

Clicking OK aborts the install. The only ill effect is that 107MB of installation files are left that need to be manually deleted.

Tim Morrison. C-Tech volunteer - 7 September 2005

So I thought I'd start a thread asking whether anyone has found that "must have" feature. Curious minds always like to know :-)

A few of the PSPX features/perks I particularly like, and this is just the initial release. Not to mention the excellent, as in the past,
price point compared to competitors!

The new Learning Center organizes tools logically by task, providing users with a step-by-step guide and quick access to the instructions and tools needed to complete the most common photo editing projects.New PSP users will particularly appreciate this!

Smart Photo Fix gives users new levels of control by allowing them to combine the simplicity of automatic corrections with the precision and control of manual adjustments.

The new Object Remover lets users seamlessly eliminate unwanted elements from photos, intelligently filling in the resulting gaps with
appropriate background detail.

Corel Photo Album 6 – Standard Edition: Included for the first time with Paint Shop Pro X (very nice perk)

Paint Shop Pro X now includes support for 16-bit/channel adjustments, ICC-based color management, the ability to import and export CMYK images using ICC profiles, along with enhanced monitor calibration that allows LCD screens to be correctly calibrated.

I still remember how I felt when PSP8 was released after using PSP7 for so long.. yikes! LOL

As with all new releases there are still issues to be addressed and I think given time, that Corel will not disappoint.

It's nice to see something fresh and new and note that for those who find it hard to let go of their favourite features/commands.. while not readily apparent, many are still available to you if you want to resurrect them :)

Maureen Aquino - C-Tech Volunteer 7 September 2005.