Sixteen Bits December 2006 Welcome to Sixteen Bits If you would like
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PC Users Group (ACT)
Inc 27 Mulley Street Holder ACT 2611 Phone 02 6287 2922 Fax 02 6287 2933 |
Table of Contents (Click the link on the left)
Meeting Notes | I assume there is nothing scheduled until February 2007. |
Editor's notes | Editorial. |
Christmas Time | Cheer up your computer desktop for Christmas. |
Archiving | Part of a conversation about backing up documents |
Before Installing IE7 | What to do. |
Tune Windows | Tune up Windows the old way |
Free Win98 Games | Would most likely work with Win XP. |
PSP Articles | Here are 12 articles that would probably be of interest to Digital Photography people. |
AVI to DVD | AVI to DVD Free Software |
Press releases | Promotional material. |
Freeware Discussion | The difference between freeware and pricelessware. |
Freeware download sites | Pages that have a variety of good free programs and utilities. |
Freeware Web Albums | Freeware web album creators |
Guide to Bugs | Not the software kind: spiders, insects etc. |
Meeting dates | Meeting dates for 2007. |
Humour | More goodies from the net. |
Help | PCUG Help Directory and handy links. |
We hope you enjoy this edition of Sixteen Bits. We are always on the lookout for items for the next edition. If you have anything to contribute - please send it to pcug.editor@pcug.org.au. The nominal cut-off date for submissions is the 15th of each month. All submissions gratefully received. Please send us feedback as to what you might like to see published in your magazine.
For more news of events to come - don't forget to check the PCUG Calendar at: http://www.pcug.org.au/members/calendar/
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