The good news for the group is that the renovations to the PCUG Centre at Holder have been substantially completed over the Christmas / New Year office closure.  Thanks to the eforts of John Saxon, Peter Reeves, and a willing band of volunteers, the new training room in the south room will
soon be ready to go while the new "business" area is now inside the front door as you enter.  The public access computers and the multimedia centre should be set up within the next few weeks.  If you are passing the Grant Cameron Community Centre anytime between 10:00AM and 2:00PM drop in for a

On 14th December Senator Kate Lundy officially launched the Silicon Kid website which is hosted on our servers.  Every response ever made to a computer problem by "The Kid" is indexed and available on the site at

Now that we will soon be again able to offer training to members, we have a list of possible courses and a survey about training at Even if you have no current interest in PCUG training, please complete the survey using the comments to let us know why - too expensive, already provided by work, know it all anyway, etc.  Ideally we would like to which of the proposed courses interest you and which additional courses we should offer to tempt members.

The PCUG Centre has now been registered as a Microsoft Unlimited Potential Learning Centre and we hope to offer courses as part of that program in the near future.  At present, members are invited to "Team UP to win tickets to the Commonwealth Games!" in the Microsoft UP 'Realising Potential Through Teamwork' competition which calls for entrants to create a multimedia presentation celebrating teamwork.

Entries for the competition will be accepted until 2pm on Friday, 27 January 2006. Entries will need to be lodged at the PC User Group at Grant Cameron Community Centre. Full terms and conditions can be found at or by contacting the Centre.

Allan Mikkelsen