At the recent committee meeting it was agreed to re-equip the training room at the Holder Centre with new computers to enable us to offer adequate training, particularly the Microsoft Unlimited Potential material that has been donated to the group.  The equipment at the Centre is connected via an ethernet lan to a server running Windows 2003 while the workstation computers run dual boot systems with Windows XP Pro and Linux.

All our systems are maintained by volunteers but we can always use more. If you have skills, particularly in Windows 2003 server administration and XP administration including imaging and cloning, we would love to hear from you.  Contact either myself at or the network team at if you can help.

The committee also agreed to a proposal to increase the bandwidth of the TIP connection to the Internet.  This should result in better browsing speed at peak times.

Once again a reminder that the PCUG Office is just that - the office processing membership renewals, TIP subscriptions and other administrative tasks.  It is NOT a help desk for computer problems. If you need help, please use one of the helpers listed on the Help Page in Sixteen Bits.  Better still, if you have skills, get yourself added to the Help List.

Also remember that the PCUG office has one main phone line. If it is in use while serving another member, then phone calls go to message bank. This does not mean the office is not staffed. Staffers make all possible efforts to check the message and return calls, but this may happen the next day if the office is busy.

Finally, remember that there is an email address where you can let us know what we are doing that you particularly like or dislike, and let us know of any other things you think we should be doing.

Allan Mikkelsen