Report from the President

The committee is currently looking at membership matters, and came up with some changes at their last meeting. Briefly, we decided to change the discounts given to concessions and seniors to a percentage basis, and have more closely defined those categories.

A concession discount of 20% will be given to any member holding or entitled to at least one of:

A seniors discount of 10% will be given to any member 60 years of age or more.

Both of these discounts will apply to PCUG membership, but NOT TIP subscriptions, and will be rounded down to whole dollars. A revised membership form should be available by 1 July.

The committee also gave the Internet Services Sub Committee approval to replace the main TIP server supreme. This should enable us to provide better services to users and run more up-to-date software to minimize the risk of further hacks to our web site. The change over to the new server will involve some downtime - hopefully very short. We will attempt to give as much notice as possible of when this is likely to occur. Watch the TIP home page and tip.announce newsgroups for more details.

Development of the training room is continuing, with regular courses now scheduled. See the training area of the PCUG web site for the current offerings.

Allan Mikkelsen