Archiving and All That

Below are some posts from a newsgroup:

I'm not much into scrapping, but like poking in here now and then to admire all the cool layouts, but since I got my digital camera a few
years ago, and my photo collection has really taken off.

I've been wrestling with the same problem for the past few weeks. Right now my photo and other important files are backed up on CDs; I use  IMatch for cataloging. I've been thinking of getting an external HD - but I also live in a hurricane prone area; category 3 (Katrina) or
worse, and we're talking evacuation. I can just see it now: I manage to get all my emergency provision in the car and head out only to realize
while stuck in traffic several miles from my house that I left the HD on the desk!

So my question - has anyone tried any of these on-line storage sites? If so, what were/are your experiences?


An external drive is nice, but please make sure you have anything on your external also backed up somewhere else. I lost everything on my external drive, some of which I had backed up but some I didn't. I am still grieving over losing some stuff!

Well understand where you are coming from Canay. My new external had a fault and I had to send it away. One week later my hard drive on the computer gave up. Thank heavens before I disconnected the external I did a backup to DVDs, took me ages as over 100gb but now I'm so pleased I did it. I agree I would not put things on an external that wasn't either on the computer drive or stored on disc as well...Pat