
by Trevor F

This is the last time you'll read an editorial page from me. Please note that the people who volunteer as editors should not need to write each and every article and then assemble the whole each month. This month we have an excellent article about databases, and I've used Open Office version 2 to write it to an Adobe Acrobat file. We also give a special mention for recipient of the 2007 Volunteer of the Year Award.

A good place to regularly visit is the PCUG's main web page: http:www.pcug.org.au Much information is kept there, and these days it's up to date. The formula for Main Monthly Meetings is the first Wednesday of the month. It doesn't clash with long weekends. February's topic was Advanced Digital Imaging.
Where permission is given by presenters, the presentation information of past topics may be found in the Main Monthly Meeting web pages.

It's a good habit to read these pages, at least monthly, and keep your personal organizer/calendar up to date.